When it comes to understanding how salmon are actually doing, and how we can help them – good data are crucial. But what happens when data are in a thousand different places – sitting on dusty shelves, stored in disconnected databases, or filed away in people’s heads? That’s why the Strait of Georgia Data Centre was launched; to make data available 24/7 to anyone who is interested. To reflect our expanding data holdings, it is now known as the PSF Marine Data Centre.

With information from hundreds of data records and more than 12,000 different documents, the data centre is a one-stop-shop for information on ecology, the environment, and human use in the Strait of Georgia and beyond.

Information is made available through the Data Centre’s Marine Data Portal and brought to life visually through a variety of different mapping tools including story maps. Story maps combine mapping elements with photos and video to educate on issues like invasive European Green Crabs and how to eradicate them, the importance of forage fish and more. There is even a story map about the Data Centre!

Partnering with First Nations

Indigenous knowledge is a valuable piece of the puzzle that staff at the Data Centre are working to better represent. Currently, the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and the Marine Data Centre are partnering to make data for the Burrard Inlet region more accessible. Our staff are grateful for this partnership and welcome future opportunities to collaborate with First Nations.

Data sharing translates to action

Access to publicly archived data is a fairly recent development made possible by advances in information technology and communication. There are many benefits to sharing data both for the researchers and  species that benefit including personal visibility and recognition, wider distribution of findings, reduced duplication of work, stronger collaboration amongst researchers for advancement of science and informed policy…and the list goes on.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Behind every dataset are people. The staff at the Data Centre want to work with you and your team to make your marine data more accessible to the aquatic conservation community at large and we are always actively seeking opportunities to collaborate. To stay in the loop, check out our recent newsletters, 2021 Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. To learn more about collaboration opportunities, contact: salmon@psf.ca